Wildlife Research Center Pro-Drag Combo/Trail's End #307 Buck Lure - 1oz

Wildlife Research Center Pro-Drag Combo/Trail's End #307 Buck Lure - 1oz

ITEM#: 10992
Availability: In Stock

Wildlife Research Center Pro-Drag Combo/Trail's End #307 Buck Lure - 1oz - Trail’s End #307 is the hottest performing Buck Lure you can use.  It contains Whitetail Doe Urine with Estrus Secretions, Extremely Attractive Oils derived from plants, and other ingredients (not known or used by most scent companies, but highly attractive to deer).
The Hottest Performing Pre-rut Buck Lure You Can Use
During The Rut, #307 Stands Alone. It Has Been Reported To Bring In Rutting Bucks That Were Following Behind A Doe
When A Buck Smells It, He’ll Come In
Extremely Effective, All Season & Rut


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